Costa Rica Timeshare Promotions

Deep in the heart of the Central American rainforests is a rugged country surrounded by the deep blue waters of the Pacific and the clear turquoise blue hue of the Caribbean sea. Costa Rica is a vacation haven famous for its lush protected jungles, teaming with a vastly diverse wildlife not found anywhere else in the world. Its peaks reach the tops of volcanoes that trickle down to the tranquil shores that give this amazing country its namesake. Here is everything you need to know about how you can save money on your vacations to Costa Rica.

Costa Rica Timeshare Promotions

A timeshare promotion is at its most basic level, an exchange where all that is required of you is just a fraction of your time for the ability to save big on your next trip to Costa Rica. Possible rewards for agreeing to view a Timeshare promotion may be vouchers to certain attractions and restaurants, or whole discounts on rooms adding more money into your pocket so you can enjoy your vacation even more. Timeshare resorts are always on the lookout for people who want to own their vacations, offering the best Costa Rica vacation deals you can imagine.

Get unhindered access to the all-inclusive, luxury resorts that line the Costa Rican coast with a Costa Rica vacation package when you agree to spend about an hour of your time to go over how you might prolong your vacation experience for years to come in a timeshare presentation. These resorts feature all the accommodations you might see at home and more! With the goal of providing a luxury experience for a generous price, these timeshare resorts do their utmost to ensure that your vacation is exactly how you pictured it in your dreams.

Packed with restaurants, accommodations, and their own set of attractions, you may not even want to leave the resorts. However, the Costa Rican landscape is filled with opportunities for exploration perfect for the adventurous sort. With a vast variety of wildlife and nature preserves, its lush emerald  rainforests captivate the eyes of anyone who looks at them. Surround yourself with the natural sights and aromas of one of the most beautiful countries on Earth when you book with a Costa Rica timeshare promotion.

If you are planning a trip for the holidays, you may be wondering if it is possible to book a vacation during the holiday season. Of course you can! The holiday season is the busiest time of year for vacations, and  many people are looking for ways to save big on their travel budget. With a Costa Rica timeshare promotion, you can book wherever, whenever you want with amazing benefits at all inclusive, world-accredited resorts.

Why Should You Stay in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is a beautiful place to have a dream vacation. For some, a  beautiful landscape may be enough to consider a trip there, however, it is a place of a cultural way of life that will encourage you to try new things. It is a great place for people who want to save a little money on their vacation without sacrificing the things that make traveling so fun.

The freshness of the food in Costa Rica is one of its biggest appeals. In what seems like a place where you could pick the fruit right off of a tree, the preparation of the freshest food is the culture of Costa Rican cuisine. Local farmers markets line some streets, selling amazing street food at prices you could have only seen in dreams. While most people end up gaining weight after returning from a grand vacation, you may see that your stay in Costa Rica has left you feeling revitalized. While public transportation is especially cheap, only $0.50 for a bus ride, You may find that the proximity to many attractions, especially involving the most interesting activities will encourage you to walk more! Costa Rica is great for hikers!

The Costa Rican people are genuine, hard working people. This means you won’t find better hospitality anywhere else! With the national motto of “pura vida” its people believe in savoring the best of what life has to offer.

Costa Rica is a famous tourist location for its absurdly low cost of living. Not only is food generally the cheapest around, its living accommodations, transport, and attractions are all inexpensive and accessible to everyone. With a cost of living at half what it might take to have a great time stateside, Costa Rica offers a phenomenal experience that will leave your wallet feeling satisfied.

Costa Rica’s diverse landscapes and habitats are all waiting to be explored by adventurous souls. On the coast, people can see the untouched beauty of the coastal habitats that enrich the country’s coastline. However, inland toward the rainforests, people can get a firsthand look at the diverse Caribbean wildlife with nature tours and hiking trips.

Should You Buy Timeshare?

Many people are apprehensive about the prospect of timeshares. At the heart of what a timeshare is is the opportunity to take control of your vacation time in a way that saves you money, reduces the logistical mess of planning extended trips, and making sure that you have the all-inclusive, diverse experience you could have only pictured in your dreams. Whether you love to travel annually or are searching for ways to make yearly vacations feasible, there are so many advantages that come with timeshare  ownership that you should know about as you plan your trips in the future.

Owning a timeshare is a guaranteed vacation


When you own a timeshare of any type, your ownership guarantees that you will have a quality vacation every year. Whereas without a timeshare, the looming problems that come with planning vacations make themselves ultimately apparent. Things happen in life, and through whatever costs or situations, your timeshare will be available for you to make use of, ensuring that you can travel with confidence.

Owning a timeshare is more affordable than one-off vacations in the long term. If you are an avid traveler, and find yourself going to a few of your favorite spots the most often, you may be shocked to realize that despite your best efforts to budget properly, you could still be saving more with a timeshare. There are many factors that influence the final price of a vacation, including the time of year, the quality of the hotel, and how far in advance your vacation is booked. Vacation ownership alleviates all of these concerns, allowing you to skip price  fluctuations with an affordable yearly maintenance fee.

There are tons of major timeshare brands with thousands of timeshare resorts around the world. Either way, in such a competitive market, these resorts and brands look to heighten the vacation experience ensuring only the highest level of quality for your vacation experience. With so many options to choose from, picking the best one for you is very important. However, you can rest well knowing that the convenience of owning a timeshare actually saves time on the vacation planning experience.

Timeshare resorts are not like traditional hotels, the rooms of which are usually two bedroom dwellings with basic amenities and maybe a tv. Timeshare resort rooms are modeled like houses, coming with all of the accommodations you might find at your own house and more. Full kitchens, in unit washer-dryers and stocked bathrooms are just a few of the things you are sure to find at a timeshare resort that you will not find at a traditional hotel. What’s more, people often end up paying more to stay in traditional hotels per night than in a timeshare resort with a timeshare.

Is Costa Rica an Expensive Travel Destination?

Costa Rica is one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in Central America. While that is true, it has also become somewhat more expensive over the last couple of years. Because of its quaint natural beauty, amazing activities, friendly communities, safety, and accommodations, Costa Rica has seen a rise in prices that has been increasing annually. While it is not great for people trying to travel on the strictest of budgets, Costa Rica’s increase in prices is directly proportional to the quality of its accommodation of travelers.

Don’t let this general increase in prices take you away from the sheer Central American gem that is Costa Rica, as a budgeted trip to the Caribbean jewel is still possible. In fact, cutting down on public transportation, and the major luxury spots are the best ways to minimize costly spending and view the Costa Rican way of life in a more traditional, immersive way.

Things to Do in Costa Rica

The eastern coast of Costa Rica is filled with national parks teeming with wildlife, and beaches so remote and untouched, it will look like a slice of heaven has been laid out overlooking the crisp Caribbean waters. A bit less touristy, and not as developed as the Pacific coast, it is a great place for those looking to explore the natural world that consumes this region of Costa Rica. It features vast wildlife through jungle and rainforest habitats, and its proximity to the beach allows travelers to soak in the sun and snorkel along the Caribbean coast.

The Cloud Forests Costa Rica’s famous highlands are enhanced by its Cloud Forests, areas of the rich jungle greenery that are so humid and moist due to the overwhelming coverage of clouds that give them their names. The typically warm, tropical temperatures of the Costa Rican atmosphere are subdued by the bits of heavy clouds and humidity that brings a host of plants and animals to thrive in these habitats.  The most famous Costa Rican cloud forest is Monteverde Rainforest, meaning its a prime location characteristic of a trip to the country.

San Jose is the capital of Costa Rica, and is located in the approximate middle of the country. Its airport is the biggest in the country and will likely be the first stopping point on your trip to Costa Rica. Because it is placed in the middle of the country it makes one of the best rendezvous points for traveling out in either direction, whether to explore the pacific or caribbean coasts the country is so famous for. San Jose’s convenient location makes it easy to travel around the country. .

San Jose is a haven for art and culture, especially perfect for those who enjoy history, art, museums and architecture. The robust culture of Costa Rica is exemplified in San Jose, making it one of the best places to start your journey. The hub city of San Jose is home to the famous Central Avenue, the downtown area with the best shops, restaurants and bars ready for travelers to take part in the city’s wild nightlife.


Costa Rica is a great location to spend your vacation. Its diverse range of natural and architectural beauties set it apart from other countries while also giving a more diverse range of things to explore. It is a culturally and naturally rich location that all travelers are encouraged to explore with its friendly locals, good food, and cheap transportation. While it is not the cheapest place to have a vacation, it is still affordable and, Timeshare promotions will surely squeeze off any excess costs while rewarding you with vouchers to use at many of the country’s lovely attractions.

Owning a timeshare in Costa Rica gives you the ability to skip the hassle of vacation planning, saving you time and money on all of your future trips to the rich coast. Here at Rooms 101, we feature only the best Costa Rica Vacation packages that you can use to save money on your next trip at only the best resorts in the country. Book your dream getaway in Costa Rica with Rooms 101 today!